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Elevated type-17 cytokines are present in Axial Spondyloarthritis stool

Journal article

BOWNESS P. and BROUGH I., (2024), Discovery Immunology

HSV-1 employs UL56 to antagonize expression and function of cGAMP channels.

Journal article

Blest HTW. et al, (2024), Cell Rep, 43

Exclusive Enteral Nutrition Mediates Beneficial Gut Microbiome Enrichment in Acute Severe Colitis.

Journal article

Bajaj A. et al, (2024), Inflamm Bowel Dis, 30, 641 - 650

Immune microniches shape intestinal Treg function.

Journal article

Gu Y. et al, (2024), Nature

Short-chain fatty acids: linking diet, the microbiome and immunity.

Journal article

Mann ER. et al, (2024), Nat Rev Immunol

Dupilumab reduces exacerbations independent of changes in biomarkers in moderate-to-severe asthma.

Journal article

Pavord ID. et al, (2024), J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract

(William) Ritchie Russell (1903-1980).

Journal article

Attwood JE. et al, (2024), J Neurol

The effects of inhaled corticosteroids on healthy airways

Journal article

MARCHI E. et al, (2024), Allergy

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