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BE OPTIMAL & BE COMPLETE Week 16 & Week 52 Association of Disease Activity & Symptoms

Journal article

Kristensen LE. et al, (2024), Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease

GRAPPA 2023: Major Projects, Key Advances, and Milestones

Journal article

Ayan G. et al, (2024), The Journal of Rheumatology, jrheum.2024 - 0266

Arthritis complicating inflammatory bowel disease – the future is now

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Song K. et al, (2024), The Lancet Rh

Patient-Initiated Follow-Up

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Alveyn E. et al, (2024), The Journal of Rheumatology, jrheum.2024 - 0302

Assessment of patient-physician interactions in Psoriatic Arthritis: national results of the ASSIST Study

Journal article

Perrotta FM. et al, (2024), Rheumatology and Therapy

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