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Calcitonin paracrine signaling controls heart fibrogenesis and arrhythmia

Conference paper

Moreira L. et al, (2022), JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY, 173, S85 - S86

Phylogenetic Analysis Indicates That Evasin-Like Proteins of Ixodid Ticks Fall Into Three Distinct Classes

Journal article

BHATTACHARYA S. and NUTTALL PA., (2021), Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 11

Generation of an Abcg1 Knock Out Mouse on the Reversa Background

Conference paper


Imaging Cardiac Developmental Malformations in the Mouse Embryo


Mohun T. et al, (2010), Heart Development and Regeneration: Volume I, 1, 779 - 791

Dissecting the embryonic requirement of the Notch pathway gene, Hes1, in the context of DiGeorge syndrome

Conference paper

Papangeli I. et al, (2009), MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT, 126, S130 - S130

Rwhs is a mouse model for Bochdalek congenital diaphragmatic hernia in humans

Conference paper

Cross S. et al, (2009), MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT, 126, S126 - S126