15N-NMR spectroscopy studies of ammonia transport and glutamine synthesis in the hyperammonemic rat brain.
Shen J., Sibson NR., Cline G., Behar KL., Rothman DL., Shulman RG.
Ammonia transport and glutamine synthesis were studied in the hyperammonaemic rat brain in vivo using 15N-NMR spectroscopy at a plasma ammonia level of approximately 0.39 mM raised via an intravenous [15N]-ammonium acetate infusion. The initial slope of the time course of the summed cerebral 15N-labelled metabolites was used to determine the rate of ammonia net transport during hyperammonemia as 0.13 +/- 0.02 micromol/min/g (mean +/- SD; n = 5). Based on the total accumulation of glutamine and the 1:2 stoichiometric relationship between fluxes of four-carbon skeletons and nitrogen atoms, the rate of de novo glutamine synthesis through anaplerosis and subsequent glutamate dehydrogenase action was calculated to be 0.065 +/- 0.01 micromol/min/g. The rate of total glutamine synthesis was estimated to be 0.20 +/- 0.06 micromol/min/g (n = 5) by fitting the [5-15N]glutamine time course to a previously described model of glutamate-glutamine cycling between astrocytes and neurones. A large dilution was also observed in [2-15N]glutamine, which supports the glutamate-glutamine cycle as being an important pathway for neuronal glutamate repletion in vivo.