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We characterized the spatial distribution of drug-susceptible (DS) and multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) cases in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a major metropolis in southeastern Asia, and explored demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with local TB burden. Hot spots of DS and MDR TB incidence were observed in the central parts of Ho Chi Minh City, and substantial heterogeneity was observed across wards. Positive spatial autocorrelation was observed for both DS TB and MDR TB. Ward-level TB incidence was associated with HIV prevalence and the male proportion of the population. No ward-level demographic and socioeconomic indicators were associated with MDR TB case count relative to total TB case count. Our findings might inform spatially targeted TB control strategies and provide insights for generating hypotheses about the nature of the relationship between DS and MDR TB in Ho Chi Minh City and the wider southeastern region of Asia.

Original publication





Emerg Infect Dis

Publication Date





499 - 509


Ho Chi Minh City, TB, Vietnam, bacteria, drug-susceptible TB, multidrug-resistant TB, respiratory infections, spatial analysis, spatial heterogeneity, tuberculosis, tuberculosis and other mycobacteria, Male, Humans, Vietnam, Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant, Asia, Spatial Analysis