The long view: Salmonella--the last forty years.
Barrow PA., Jones MA., Smith AL., Wigley P.
As a part of the 40th anniversary celebrations of Avian Pathology we review the last four decades of Salmonella research which has led to major progress in our understanding of the bacteriology and infection biology of the organism through the huge advances in molecular biology and immunology that have accompanied technical advances in biology generally. In many countries combinations of improvements in management, sometimes under legislative pressure and supported by a number of basic biological interventions, have resulted in reductions in incidence in the Salmonella serovars that are commonly associated with food-poisoning to unprecedented low levels in parent flocks, broilers and layers. Utilisation of the information generated during the past few decades should improve the efficacy of surveillance and biological interventions both for the intestinal carriage that is associated most frequently with human infection and also for systemic diseases, including fowl typhoid and pullorum disease. These two diseases continue to be major economic problems in many countries where the possibilities for improvements in hygiene may be limited but which, nevertheless, are increasingly a significant part of the global economy in poultry meat.