Recognition of a human T-lymphocyte differentiation antigen by an IgM monoclonal antibody.
Bastin JM., Granger S., Tidman N., Janossy G., McMichael AJ.
A monoclonal antibody directed at a determinant on human T cells was produced and characterized. This IgM antibody, MBG6, bound to human peripheral blood T lymphocytes and to medullary thymocytes. It was unreactive with normal B cells, B-cell lines and granulocytes. Apart from T lymphocytes, bone marrow cells (including cells positive for the terminal transferase marker, myeloid colony-forming cells, myeloblasts, and differentiating myeloid and erythroid cells) were negative. Peripheral blood cells that were treated with MBG6 and rabbit complement were no longer capable of proliferating in response to phytohaemagglutinin or concanavalin A; MBG6 did not have any direct mitogenic action on T lymphocytes. Double immunofluorescence studies using IgM MBG6 and OKT3, and IgG2a monoclonal antibody that recognizes all peripheral T cells, showed that these two antibodies identified exactly the same cell populations. Competitive binding studies, however, indicated that MBG6 and OKT3 recognized different epitopes. The antibody may have clinical applications in bone marrow transplantation.