Post-transcriptional control of IL-1 gene expression in the acute monocytic leukemia line THP-1.
Turner M., Chantry D., Feldmann M.
The acute monocytic leukemia cell line THP-1 secretes predominantly IL-1 beta after treatment with bacterial lipopolysaccharide and tumour promoting phorbol ester (PMA). IL-1 alpha is also secreted, but represents less than 10% of the total IL-1 activity. This differential is reflected at the level of mRNA as IL-1 beta mRNA is more abundant than IL-1 alpha mRNA. Studies of transcription in isolated nuclei however indicate that each gene is transcribed at a similar rate, suggesting that post-transcriptional mechanisms regulate the relative abundance of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta mRNA. Measurement of RNA half life after addition of alpha-amanitin (an inhibitor of RNA polymerase II) indicate that IL-1 alpha mRNA is not as stable as IL-1 beta mRNA suggesting one mechanism for the different relative levels of RNA.