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To study the generation and the acceleration mechanisms of high energy ions in the interaction of ultra-short ultra-intense laser with solid targets, high energy ions behavior at the normal direction of the rear surface of the target produced from ulintencity pulse laser irradiated Cu thin film solid targets is explored on SILEX-I laser facility. The solid nuclear detector CR39 and Thomson spectrum are used to detect the energy spectra of protons and carbon ions, and the protons and C 4+ , C 3+ , C 2+ , C 1+ ions are osderved. The results show that the ions are emitted from the normal direction of target-back and the ions have a certain cut-off energy; the protons and C 4+ , C 3+ , C 2+ , C 1+ ions cut-off energy values are separately 1 221 keV, 1 941 keV, 1 899 keV, 624 keV, and 422 keV; the carbon ions beam current is increased with carbon ions charge number; the yield of proton is far higher than carbon ions. High-energy ion generation and acceleration are the result of a variety of mechanisms where the electrostatic field TNSA acceleration mechanism is dominant.


Journal article


Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser

Publication Date





1844 - 1848