Placebo response and remission rates in randomised trials of induction and maintenance therapy for Crohn's disease
Jairath V., Zou GY., Parker CE., Macdonald JK., Mosli MH., Alameel T., Al Beshir M., Almadi MA., Al-Taweel T., Atkinson NSS., Biswas S., Chapman T., Dulai PS., Glaire MA., Hoekman DR., Kherad O., Koutsoumpas A., Minas E., Restellini S., Samaan M., Khanna R., Levesque BG., D'Haens G., Travis S., Sandborn WJ., Feagan BG.
© 2016 The Cochrane Collaboration. This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: The objective of this review is to determine the factors that influence placebo response and remission rates in induction and maintenance trials of CD in which patients with active or quiescent disease were enrolled using the CDAI or Harvey-Bradshaw Index (HBI).