Proposal to conserve the adjectival form of the specific epithet in the reclassification of Bacteroides forsythus Tanner et al. 1986 to the genus Tannerella Sakamoto et al. 2002 as Tannerella forsythia corrig., gen. nov., comb. nov. Request for an Opinion.
Maiden MFJ., Cohee P., Tanner ACR.
With reference to the first Principle of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, which emphasizes stability of names, it is proposed that the original adjectival form of the specific epithet be conserved in the reclassification of Bacteroides forsythus to the new genus Tannerella. Thus, Tannerella forsythensis Sakamoto et al. 2002 should be Tannerella forsythia Sakamoto et al. 2002 corrig., gen. nov., comb. nov., and we put forward a Request for an Opinion to the Judicial Commission regarding this correction.